Sunday, 19 September 2010


Tag Line - 5 friends. 1 Secret. No Way Out.

Group of 5 girls who killed their friend Lisa. However, this story is told through a dream.
The story is introduced in Esther's bedroom (which should be pink) and just one girl on the bed reading a magazine another looking at herself in the mirror and then two dancing to music and just joking about. But then Lisa accidentally pushes ViviKa then ViviKa pushes her back and before you know it an argument begins between them both and they start a fight. But ViviKa gets extraordinarily out of control and gets a lamp and smacks it on Lisa's head, then she automatically drops to the floor and you can see the blood spill, the scream they shout and ViviKa just stands there with the lamp in her hand, Sooner or later they decide to drop her body in the basement while their still crying and lock up. They go back up to the bedroom and clear up and decide not to tell anyone and keep it a secret. Then when they are about to leave the house to go out to a party they hear a scream and they look back and see Lisa then they awake from the dream - by this time i will use an edit effect to split the screen into four cuts so we can see all their facial expressions. Then they turn to left and there's Lisa with the lamp and it ends with a scream.

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